Taurus MS15 Pro Half Rack with Smith and Cable Machine
Nummer TF-MS15
Produktdetaljer: Taurus MS15 Pro Half Rack with Smith and Cable Machine
Treningsstasjoner ved den ytterst allsidige Smith Rack:
- Vektstang i Smith Machine
- Knebøy-treningsbenk og brystpress-stasjon
- Høydejusterbar dip-tilsats
- Multigreps-opptrekksstasjon
- Kabeltrekk med nedtrekk og dypt kabeltrekk
- Smith Machine for ført vektstangtrening: 50 mm vektstang med sikkerhetshaker for ekstra trygg trening
- Fremragende stabilitet: 6 x 6 cm stålrørsramme med 2 mm tykke vegger
- Ekstra variabelt innstillbar: Vektstangen kan høydeinnstilles i 23 trinn fra 32 til 185 cm
- Vektstangen føres rakt og stille i Smith Machine
- Kabeltrekk med utmerkete trekkegenskaper
- Maks Belastbarhet stangfanger, J-kroker og vektstang: inntil 350 kg; opptrekksstang: 150 kg; kabeltrekk: 100 kg
- Vektstativ og kabeltrekktilsats med 50-mm-opptak
- Omfangsrikt tilbehør: kort ro- eller bicepscurlgrep, nedtrekksstang, mange skivestativer, stangfanger | sikkerhetsstativ, to J-kroker | stativhaker, dip-tilsats
- God orden er sikret: Treningsbenken har 6 mottak for 50-mm-skiver (hvert 17 cm langt) og to stolper for 50-mm-vektstang
- Hulldiameter i de høydejusterbare tilsatsene: 26,5 mm
Kompatibel med ytterligere tilbehør:
- Manualbenk for mange manualøvelser
- Slyngetrener for kroppsvektøvelser
- På krokene i den nedre rammen kan motstandsband anbringes
- Opptrekket for enkelt? Da anbefaler vi en vektvest
- Pass på: Bredden på 122,5 cm gjelder rett nok "fotavtrykket", på det bredeste stedet - vektstangen - måler Smith Rack 200 cm.
- Effective weight of the Smith barbell: 17 kg | Length: 197 cm
oppstillingsmål - Taurus MS15 Pro Half Rack with Smith and Cable Machine:
(L) 175 cm
x (B) 123 cm
x (H) 217 cm
Beskrivelse: Taurus MS15 Pro Half Rack with Smith and Cable Machine
The Taurus MS15 (multi-Smith) offers an impressive variety of exercises paired with the highest level of safety. The guided barbell of the Smith machine includes bar catches so you can perform bench presses or squats with heavier weights but less risk of injury.
The bar's safety catches can be removed from the sockets by lifting slightly and turning your wrist. You can then perform your exercise as usual. The bar is securely guided along the rails. When you have finished your set, simply re-hook the bar using the safety catches. There are a total of 23 height levels overall. The lowest position is 32 cm, and the highest is 185 cm. This means the Smith machine covers all the basics from squats to deadlifts.
If you're ever bored with the Smith machine (you won’t be!), that's no problem. You can also use the half rack for conventional barbell exercises. The long spotter arms and J-Hooks are height-adjustable and will be your new workout partners when doing bench presses, squats or deadlifts.
One multi-gym, infinite possibilities
This Taurus multi-Smith consists of various training stations which let you train virtually every part of your body in multiple ways. The main component is the rack with an integrated Smith machine. On the Smith machine, you can do exercises with a barbell guided along two vertical rails. This system features a quick-engaging stop mechanism. This makes it safer for beginners who are still learning but also for experienced lifters who push themselves beyond their limits with heavy weights.The bar's safety catches can be removed from the sockets by lifting slightly and turning your wrist. You can then perform your exercise as usual. The bar is securely guided along the rails. When you have finished your set, simply re-hook the bar using the safety catches. There are a total of 23 height levels overall. The lowest position is 32 cm, and the highest is 185 cm. This means the Smith machine covers all the basics from squats to deadlifts.
If you're ever bored with the Smith machine (you won’t be!), that's no problem. You can also use the half rack for conventional barbell exercises. The long spotter arms and J-Hooks are height-adjustable and will be your new workout partners when doing bench presses, squats or deadlifts.

Garantibetingelser: Taurus MS15 Pro Half Rack with Smith and Cable Machine
Flere detaljer til denne garantien finner du i garantibetingelser fra produsenten. Garantien fra produsenten er en tilleggsytelse fra produsenten og har ingen innflytelse på dine rettigheter innenfor den lovlige garantien.
garanti fra produsenten | garanti |
til hjemmebruk | 24 måneder |
semiprofesjonell bruk | 12 måneder |
Taurus MS15 Pro Half Rack with Smith and Cable Machine Test & vurderinger
Taurus MS15 Pro Half Rack with Smith and Cable Machine Tilbehør
- Taurus gulvmattesett
På lager
fra kr 649,00fra kr 599,00kr 599,00
Manufacturer Information
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- info@fitshop.de
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